Our Web Design Approach

We have spent years perfecting the approach of web design from hosting through to how we support our clients websites. We use these tricks of the trade to find the best way to design highly effective websites without costing our clients thousands of dollars.

Web Design Team

1. Learning your Business

Most website agencies suffer to understand your business before giving you advice. They will be quick to tell you that you need WordPress and you need SEO. When in most cases what you need depends on the type of business you run. Website companies claiming to get you on the first page on Google cannot possibly achieve this in highly competitive industries where the top businesses in the industry are paying 6 figures for their spot. We help you to understand what is realistic and what you will get from each of our website plans. 

2. Domain Setup and DNS

The majority of new businesses fail to get the domain name correct, often choosing names that are doomed from the start. Not only the name, but the mapping of a domain name also needs to be done properly so your website loads quickly and without security risks. 

We offer a free domain name with every website we build and we do all the setup for you! None of those complicated DNS records or remembering your passwords - we manage it all andit's free. Most importantly, we register the domain name using your ABN number so its owned by the business - not Prompt Websites. 

3. Website Building

Website Design is not just making a pretty website, it involves creating responsive websites which work on iPads, iPhones, tablets, laptops, Microsoft Surfaces and different sized monitors. It also involves a lot of science so that we funnel your customers to the correct web pages in the right order to keep the conversion rate high (getting you more sales). Lastly, design involves discussions with our graphic designer who will offer suggestions based on years of experience to get you a custom website that really stands out!

4. Ongoing Website Support

Most website agencies setup the website and then you never hear from them. However this is not a good approach and your customers (and even Google) prefer updated content - that's a fact.
The majority of our plans include this at no extra cost. We continue to stay connected with you, we keep your website up to date, clean and do everything possible to make it run better than your competition.